Software Release Notes

Release Notes: November 2024
Notable software updates November 2024.

Release Notes: October 2024
Notable software updates October 2024.

Release Notes: September 2024
Notable software updates September 2024.

Release Notes: August 2024
Notable software updates August 2024.

Release Notes: July 2024
Notable software updates July 2024.

Release notes: June 2024
Notable software updates June 2024.

Release Notes: May 2024
Notable software updates May 2024.

Release Notes: April 2024
Notable software updates April 2024.

Release Notes: March 2024
Notable software updates March 2024.

Release Notes: February 2024
Notable software updates February 2024.

Release Notes: January 2024
Notable software updates January 2024.

Release Notes: December 2023
Notable software updates December 2023.

Release Notes: November 2023
Notable software updates November 2023.

Release Notes: October 2023
Notable software updates October 2023.

Release Notes: September 2023
***Single Angle Bracing to column web and column flange is now live!***

Release Notes: August 2023
Notable software updates this August.

Release Notes: July 2023
Notable software updates this July.

Release Notes: June 2023
Notable software updates this June.

Release Notes: May 2023
Notable software updates this May.

Release Notes: April 2023
Notable software updates this April.

Release Notes: March 2023
March 2023 software updates.
In-Model Review new change. Made 2 separate tools (In-Model Review, and In-Model Checking), the In-Model review will have the approval option and the In-Model Checking will have the checking option. Added color next to start and end as below....

Release Notes: January 2023
Here are the updates completed in January.
1. Web-environment: There were incorrect weld access hole preferences at CISC. We added preferences to the weld access hole for CISC metric and AISC metric, shown below...

Release Notes: December 2022
Qnect updated the in-model review capability in button 3; 1- add option to search or filter based on comments and status and 2- add option to select parts in the model based on selected rows in the report.
There is a new pop up window that appears when a user copies the job preferences. Crucial preference settings are listed for review; once reviewed the preferences can be updated as seen fit.

Release Notes: November 2022
Endplates will be released at end of year. This is an MVP release so as customers request enhancements, we will add them.
Single Angle vertical bracing is due to be released at the end of first quarter 2023 unless other priorities arise.
Changes of note made during November:

Release Notes: October 2022
CISC Single Angle and Double Angle are now available.
Coming soon:
- End plates
- Single Angle Vertical Brace
What's new:
We have a new model review checking tool - Here is a short video that describes how to use the In-model review tool.

Press Release: Gustafson Joins Qnect
Michael Gustafson joins the team at Qnect LLC of Hadley MA. as Vice President of Strategy and Business Development
“It’s all about engineering efficiency in the digital age,” says Michael Gustafson. As Product Manager at Trimble and Industry Strategy Manager at Autodesk, Michael has been identifying and directing new technologies for 17 years. “I felt that I needed to take on a senior leadership role with a team that can make a bigger impact in construction, and for the planet. The software solution that Qnect has built has me energized to execute a vision that optimizes for both savings and carbon footprint of new buildings. What they have achieved has opened my eyes to a massive market imperative.”

Release Notes: September 2022
- Angles for CISC is close to being completed.
- CISC - Change page reference

Release Notes: August 2022
Sep 8, 2022 2:06:02 PM
We are currently working hard to have End Plates available by the end of September (yay!).
Here are the month's highlights:
- New weekly digest email - This gives each customer the ability to receive a summary email describing the number of connections that were completed that week.
- Shear Plate Beam to Column Flange eccentricity preference - these two preferences were added within the Min Job Preferences page.

Release Notes: July 2022
- Targeting End Plates at end of summer and Single Angle bracing this fall.
- CISC building code will get single and double angles this summer as well.
- Update maps to ensure readability
- Shear plate positioning to include SQUARE_TO_FILLER, etc.

Release Notes: June 2022
- Update Q-BM-FORCES templates - This allows customers to generate many types of Maps within the Map tool in button 3. You can use the selection criteria to limit what will show on the map like just doublers or just joints where the force is missing
- List of prefs that should have a picture associated with them - We have added many pictures to preferences to clearly define what the tricky preferences mean. Just click on the ?.

Release Notes: April 2022
Coming soon:
- Utility ratio preference to offer a percentage gap between the required force and the designed capacity.
- Total control of designed angles and plates to match inventory and mandated requirements.
- Advanced washer control to use preferences to meet engineering requirements.
On its way
- Ability for Qnect to use connections designed in earlier sessions when designing groups of joints.
- End plate connections - AISC
- Single Angle Bracing connections - AISC
- Double Angles - CISC
- Advanced MAPS capability to filter what you want to show on a MAP.
Available now...

Release Notes: March 2022
For conventional shear plate connections with vertical bolt spacing > 3”, should Qnect always use full eccentricity = “a” instead of reduced eccentricity = “a/2”?
Default to “no”.
IF the answer to the question above is “yes”, AND the shear plate design is “conventional” AND with vertical bolt spacing > 3”, THEN force the use of e=a instead of allowing e = a/2.
New Qnect Model Review Tool
This tool is for EORs to quickly and easily review and approve the model within Tekla.

Release Notes: November 2021
- Added method to locate angle brace to the LEFT/RIGHT side of gusset plate for Vertical Bracing...

Release Notes: August 2021
- Short span UDL table issue - On the Forces web page there was an issue where one entry was required. Now it can be saved with zero entries.
- Follow up to QNT-6879
DowCo to Integrate Qnect into Detailing Process
DowCo Consultants, LTD has chosen to use Qnect's Tekla software extension to improve the quality of the steel connections it designs while reducing costs for its customers.

Release Notes: July 2021
- Duplicates: Review and fix issues.
- When running Qnect, we first check to see if the joint was already designed in the same model with the same preferences to ensure we keep the number of unique connections to a minimum. We enhanced the system to capture a bunch of corner cases that were.missed previously.
- Update weld clearance from thin doublers and angles. -
- When we have fillet welds around thin beam web doublers and angles, we should not subtract 1/16 (2 mm) from edge of doubler/angle to weld.
- Imperial: angles/plates < 0.25", clear = 0, else clear = 1/16
- Metric: angles/plates = 5mm or 6 mm, clear = 0, else clear = 2mm

Release Notes: June 2021
- Current UNDO/REDO improvement. Qnect designed a full work around to alleviate the performance issue with working with large model and the UNDO/REDO process in the model. This issue has now been resolved.
- Update custom coping preferences override. We added one more choice for cope depth of kdet beam + 1/8".

Release Notes: May 2021
This year, the development team has done a lot of work into preparing to launch the Canadian building code CSA-S16-14. This will go live in June 2021.

Qnect + Exact Make Steel Smarter
We're excited to announce this agreement with Exact Detailing! The content in this blog is from the joint press release and contains details of this agreement. If you would like more information, please use Contact Us to find the method that works best for you. We look forward to sharing Qnect with you.

Qnect Featured in The Fabricator
“If I only knew then what I know now.” How often do you wish you could peer into the future just a bit? With Qnect, you kinda can. The speed and accuracy of Qnect means that you can test a number of different connections extremely quickly. This is like looking into the future because you can make revisions, decisions that previous to Qnect would take days if not weeks to make.
The Fabricator magazine interviewed Qnect's Henry Lederman for this interesting and insightful article.

Qnect Wins Hot Product
The extensive use of Qnect's patented, iterative process for optimizing all of the engineering variables makes Qnect's vertical bracing, as well as the rest of Qnect's connection library, extremely efficient.
This release expands Qnect’s connection optimization breadth and provides additional time and money savings to steel detailers, fabricators and structural engineers.

Customer Story Makes History
Qnect, with world-class engineers at WSP and world-class steel fabricators at Banker Steel, helps make 66 Hudson Boulevard, aka “The Spiral,” one of the most efficiently designed towers in the world.
"We’re able to make connection revisions quickly and with confidence using Qnect, which would have taken us weeks longer without them.”
~ Chuck Hongell, VP at WSP

Vertical Bracing Connection - AVAILABLE!
Qnect, LLC, the leader in smart, optimized connections, today introduced vertical bracing as the latest addition to their connection library. Vertical bracing completes Qnect’s full spectrum of optimized connections from gravity connections to moment connections and the lateral bracing system.
What makes Qnect’s vertical bracing so efficient is the extensive use of their patented, iterative process for optimizing all of the engineering variables.

Qnect's e-book Available Now!
Why an e-book? The people that attended our recent webinar live as well as those that watched the recorded version made several comments that could be summed up as “This is valuable information. How can I share it with my team?” Several mentioned that their co-workers, even their subs, would not watch a video but would read an overview or summary.

Steel Industry Impressed by Qnect at NASCC 2019
Steel just got smarter and attendees at NASCC 2019 witnessed it first hand at the Qnect booth and in the sessions. Once again we can say, “Qnect had a successful week at NASCC: The Steel Conference.”
We also arranged a panel of 4 top engineering firms who used Qnect on 4 high profile projects: KPFF on Seatac Airport, WSP on a 60 story tower at Hudson Yards, Meyer Borgman and Johnson on Vassar Hospital and Walter P. Moore on Sparkman Wharf.

MSC Writes About Qnect
Scott Melnick, Editor of Modern Steel Connection (MSC), had some great observations about Qnect in the December issue. “The Qnect connection software promises substantial cost savings when used to optimize connection design. But the real advantage is the time it slashes from a project. What might take a fabricator and detailer weeks to develop can now be completed in hours.”
We share more in the recent Blog Post as well as other highlights from 2018. Take 3 minutes to read our Year in Review.

ENR Writes About Qnect Adding More
Qnect has added to its portfolio of connections new capabilities to optimize top and bottom plate moment connections, as well as deck support steel in 3D models. “The latest release from Qnect adds to its functionality, offering more types of connections it can calculate and model,” says Erleen Hatfield, a customer and managing partner of Hatfield Group

Moment Connection Announcement
[September 2018] Qnect, the steel industry's leading connection design

ENR's FutureTech - A Marriage that Works
The intersection of innovation and construction sometimes seems like an awkward marriage; however, when I attended Engineering News-Record’s ENR FutureTech conference in San Francisco I walked away with inspiration and excitement for all the places where the industry is making that marriage work.

The Art of Inbound Marketing
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