Early Connected Models
Cut costs, reduce schedule and minimize carbon.
Whether you are the project owner, general contractor, or SEOR, Early Connected Models make steel projects faster & more efficient.
Ahead of Schedule
Under Budget
Low Carbon
Typical Steel Workflow vs. Early Connected Model Workflow

With an Early Connected Model...
the structural engineer, connection engineer and detailer work together to design the steel frame, engineer the connections, and document the details of the connections at the same time. Not only does this save time because they all start at once, but working together makes the process more efficient as they can solve problems as they arise, rather than discovering them further down the road.
Project ROIs
- 4 weeks ahead of schedule
- 2% bid reduction
- 5K metric tons CO2e
- 8 weeks ahead of schedule
- 7% lower bids
- 9.5% steel CO2e saved
Mixed Use
- 8 weeks ahead of schedule
- 13% lower bids
- 10% steel CO2e saved
Customer Testimonial
Erleen Hatfield, President of Hatfield Group, explains the importance of early connected models, not just for the SEORs, GCs, and other project team members, but for owners as well.