Release Notes: February 2020
After the holiday rest, we had a productive and, I’ll say, exciting time on the product development side of the house. Most of the enhancements are...
1. Change background image of - Web application background has been updated to match the externally facing website
2. Large cope on beam to girder connection - For Welded Bolted Double angle connections in a sloped framing condition, an issue has been fixed that was creating an overly large bottom cope when not necessary allowing for more bolts.
3. CISC - Fix single angle calc - The calculations for CISC Single Angle Bolt Shear Capacity has been updated.
4. EPL - Update Bearing Title Text - Small change with no impact on engineering for End Plate connections
5. EPL- Fix Gage Text - Small text change with no impact on engineering for End Plate connections.
6. SA VB - 8139 ticket Case 2 - Single Angle Vertical Brace issue has been resolved.
Each end of the Vertical Brace is connected in two different sessions. In this case we will try to match the gusset thickness of the new connection. If it does not work and needs a thicker gusset plate then we will block the connection with an no-connect reason “This end connection requires a different gusset thickness, please delete an existing connection at the other end of Single Angle Brace and re-run with both ends in same session.”
7. Button 3 not filtering correctly has been resolved.
8. Update Shear plate 10-5 Interaction check when there is axial.
9. SA VB Connection Detail Sketches - Added sketches for Single Angle Vertical Bracing to our sample diagrams.
After the holiday rest, we had a productive and, I’ll say, exciting time on the product development side of the house. Most of the enhancements are...
Here are the updates completed in January.
New listener control settings. The listener is the feature within Qnect that listens for changes made that could affect the engineering of a...