- Preference pages missing choices for 5/8 in. angle profile thickness - They have now been added.
- Update Bolt Type Pulldowns and Functioning
Update Bolt type pulldown options to the following:
HH – Snug Tight
HH – Turn of Nut or Calibrated Wrench
TC – Twist Off
“HH- Snug Tight” - Treat washers the same as current HH Option
“HH – Turn of Nut or Calibrated Wrench” - Treat washers the same as current case when using pretensioned Calibrated Wrench
“HH – DTI” - treat washers the same as current HH-DTI Option
“TC – Twist Off” - Treat washers the same as current TC Option
- Clashing connections in model from different sessions
- Resolved issue with Session 2 is run after Session 1 is finished and Session 1 connection is inserted into model.
- EPL - Add question and functioning for gaps and shims at End Plate to Beam
- For cases with mixed connection types on one beam, some that deserve gap and others that don’t, ie. DA’s at column one side, and End Plate other side with no gap required at Girder, or DA’s at column flange on one side, and DA’s at Girder opposite side (also no gap required), the gap should go on the side that causes the gap.
For example this case with DA’s at column one side when DA requires 2 gaps, and End Plate other side to Girder requires no gaps, so 2 one side, 0 other side, means 1 gap required, the gap should go on the side that causes the gap to occur, ie, the Column side, not the Girder side.
- For cases with mixed connection types on one beam, some that deserve gap and others that don’t, ie. DA’s at column one side, and End Plate other side with no gap required at Girder, or DA’s at column flange on one side, and DA’s at Girder opposite side (also no gap required), the gap should go on the side that causes the gap.
- web-environment: Fix text on Bop report
- qnect-cplus: Improve noconnect reason when profile+material grade combination in a check of nearby connections
- This has been resolved - The issue appears when there is a nearby connection grouping, main is connecting to some other main or some other secondary is connecting to this secondary.
For example we have two groupings in a session
In our code we check if BEAM2_TO_COLUMN_FLANGE is too close to BEAM1_TO_BEAM2 connection.
However when the other connection main part does not have a valid Profile + Material Grade combination, this connection grouping fails with
”Failed to find material grade specification for profile. Please make sure that material grade specification exists for selected profile.”
- This has been resolved - The issue appears when there is a nearby connection grouping, main is connecting to some other main or some other secondary is connecting to this secondary.