- Set end_plates = on in production for CISC - Users can now use Endplates in CISC building code.
- Update SA VB at Column Web = ON in production - Users can now use Single Angle Vertical Brace to Column Web in AISC.
Sample: Wide Flange Column Splice Connection Diagram
- Allow Shear Plate Beam to Beam connections with slope and skew. This is only for this combination when sloped and skewed with max slope +/- 2.86 deg and max skew +/- 5.0 deg. off orthogonal.
- Adaptation to tekla 2024 - Qnect works fully with Tekla 2024.
- Update email notification for customers on session runs - Now the email has a link for the Job Standard Summary and the NoConnect report (if they have at least one entry).
- No Connections Report add column - show the material grade that was uploaded from the model and what the alias that was used from preferences.
- Standard Part Details functioning - For double angle standard parts, include Osha override functionality and the ability to control whether Qnect will continue to iterate with another solution if the standard part defined does not work.
- Did not detect a Beam to Beam connection with vertical offset. We added some functionality to capture edge cases that are beam to beam:
- Box Columns - fix column width related calculations - There were certain scenarios where the width and depth calcs were being switched. This has been resolved.
- In model review not reading data for columns - We are now including in button 3 the column related information.
- Fatigue- In beam cope, maintain 1/4 clear to beginning of 1" radius to beam flange