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Release Notes: January 2025

QuickQnect / Tekla Specific Enhancements

  • Connection Error - An error arose where a group with 4 Beam to HSS Column all were connected.  Then one connection removed by customer and resent with new beam.  This is no longer an issue.



  • Unexpected error - An error arose where a shear plate connection with Axial force used in Estimating.  This is no longer an issue.
  •  Check and update Vertical/Horizontal Brace Detection - We extended how the system determines a vertical or horizontal brace when received from a model.  Before this update we checked the Part Name for a letter "V" and (the word "BRACE" or "BRACING").  We added for Vertical brace has 20 <= slope <= 70 degrees and for horizontal brace has 20 <= skew <= 70 degrees.



  • company gets overwrite if user download revit from AutoDesk and then sign up for Tekla or vice versa.  For users that are using both Revit and Tekla as the front-end of the Qnect system, the system was losing access to the company they had access to.  This has been resolved.
  • Do not allow partial success of beams on same side of column - Internally in our system, the software was identifying an issue where two joints were coming into the same point of a support.  We would identify that and hold the NoConnect reason “Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support.“  At another point in the system we also identified that the slope exceeded what Qnect offered.  We wanted to ensure that all the joints that were getting a consistent NoConnect reason.



  • Mandated Details: Fix pictures, Enforce this detail preference did not work as expected.  - For Mandated preference settings updated the pictures to have more details as shown.  In addition, the Enforce this detail option was updated.  Before if this preference was set to yes in a mandated defined connection and it failed a limit state it was supposed to not generate a working connection and just let the user know that their mandated connection did not meet all the limited states.  There was a scenario where Bolt Optimization was allowing the software to generate a working connection.  This has been resolved by not generating a working connection if the Enforce this detail setting = Yes

QNT-9603 I

QNT-9603 II


  • Report ConnSampleCalcsNoTopLink pdf downloading not working - For a single connection the PDF link on the Detail Calcs report was not working.  This has been resolved.



  • DetermineConnections: Not combining nearby connections into single group.  For instance, this beam to embed was not included in the group that should be a single group or joints to be designed.  This has been resolved.

QNT-9672 I

  • In this case the beam to column flange W8 (bottom) was not combined with the rest of the group.  This was also resolved.

QNT-9672 II


  • web-environment: Change text on reports related to Moment names (labels)



REVIT specific enhancements
  • Ensure parameter name mapping is correct throughout application and UI-3539
  • Myy values are not being filled in even though other Myy 1 and 2 fields are filled in. - 4420
  • Add doubler/stiffener parameters as Revit Analysis Results (SSOE) - 4094
  •  Drawing maps not working with Revit 2022 (due to tags being localized in later versions) - 4221
  • Login screen doesn't remember credentials - 4393
  • When you have an isolated view (selection box active) and turn on and then off the Qnect review it will break my isolated view and remove section box- 4209
  • when moving from Issue to Issue, a new view is opened and jumped to - 4052
  • HSS column material not being read at Family level when Category level material definitions exist - 4114
  • NoConnect defaults for stiffeners and doublers should be unchecked - 3521
  • Beam to beam connection too close to other connection - 3662
  • Exported Beam coordinate system axes appear incorrect for specific model - 3972
  • Cannot read the NoConnect Reason.  - 3664
  • Member rotation and slope combo not supported. - 3663
  • v14 - Force mapping dialogs not the same between Revit versions - 3707
  • v14 - Hide new LogOut button from ribbon - 3709
  • Purge parameters - add to button 0 - 3519
  • License has expired dialog box -- get 'Failed to send Company and Job Data' instead - 4375
  • Revit framing uploaded for fitted start/end (not centerline) - 3358
  • Map physical parameter end forces to Qnect end force parameters - 3355
  • Button 3 does not show right data in right fields. - 3381
  • Missing results - shear studs, spandrel, etc. - 3281
  • UDL needs to be shown to the user after the analysis (as a result) - 3280
  • Connection Type Id is not being exported to the upload JSON file for either end. - 3218
  • Add analysis coordinate system image with settings dialog - 3941
  • Timestamp issue with Revit session - 4304
  • Incorrect member location geometry upload - 4085
  • Pro version session data not disappearing when switching to Express 4304

Release Notes: March 2024

SA VB: Check/Fix gusset plate block shear calculations hole names and values Gusset Strength Calcs: Gusset Plate Strength Calculations: Potential...

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Release Notes: May 2024

CISC: Implement AISC-15 bolt holes preference

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