1 min read

Release Notes: December 2024

  • Issue resolved on how HSS Wall Plastification capacity for Beam to HSS Column connections with IBC Integrity was being checked.
  • Resolved issue where some help desk tickets were not being received by Qnect from within the Tekla application.
  • Fix infinite loop for specific case of Vertical Brace has been resolved.
  • Qnect Calculations report has incorrect text formatting - when using the PDF button on the submittal package random pages were having formatting issues.  This has been resolved.
  • When the user changes the End Offset for DY Start, the listener was not triggered correctly for some connections within Tekla.  This has been resolved.
  • Add new Job Override Gage at Bolt to be Center to Center preference. This feature was added to the Standard parts detail for Double Angles.

QNT-9560 - 1

QNT-9560 - 2



  • Review end_plates_horizontal_offset = ON with CISC-S16-14.  End plates with horizontal offset now works in Canadian Code.


  • Add new preference for skewed full depth fitting, update weld calcs, fix stiffener position in model


QNT-9040 - 2

QNT-9040 - 3

QNT-9040 - 4



  • webenv - Need to be able to see a cost report for an individual connection, and all connections in a session.
