9 min read
Webinar Review: Determining the Lowest Cost Joint Configuration
Qnect's Henry Lederman and Aaron Bartlett, recently hosted a webinar titled "Determining the Lowest Cost Joint Configuration" for the general public....
9 min read
Qnect's Henry Lederman and Aaron Bartlett, recently hosted a webinar titled "Determining the Lowest Cost Joint Configuration" for the general public....
1 min read
Are you a structural engineer - a Connection Engineer (CE) or an Engineer of Record (EOR)?Qnect's SaaS solution provides a solid Return on Investment...
2 min read
Are you a structural steel erector? If so and if you are like other erectors, you might feel left out of the process when engineers, connection...
2 min read
Last week, we posted about ROI for the Detailer. This week, our post focuses on the Fabricator. Now, some structural steel fabricators will detail in...
5 min read
What does Qnect do for the Steel Detailer? In today's post, we are going to take one of our most re-watched webinars "The True ROI of Qnect" and...
3 min read
This new feature allows the user to report only on the information in the model without having to choose which sessions you want to include in the...
7 min read
Wow! This has been one of our most popular videos and we think you’ll get a lot out of this too. In the transcription, we have images pulled from the...
2 min read
To be more specific this is a Preference Setting update that focuses on the Global Shear Plate and Single Angle Placement.
1 min read
We are excited to announce a few big updates to the QuickQnect Preference Settings. You will now find three categories: Basic Information Connection...
1 min read
For this week’s Tech Tuesday, we’re going to learn “How To: Change A Single Angle Side in Tekla Using Qnect.” Qnect makes it easy to change the side...