"Qnect is revolutionizing connection design..." Read who said this.
It’s great to get an endorsement. Every business will tell you this. It’s even better to get an endorsement from a neutral, industry association....
2 min read
Pearl Burgoff
Dec 17, 2020 12:16:47 PM
“If I only knew then what I know now.” How often do you wish you could peer into the future just a bit? With Qnect, you kinda can. The speed and accuracy of Qnect means that you can test a number of different connections extremely quickly. This is like looking into the future because you can make revisions, decisions that previous to Qnect would take days if not weeks to make.
The recent issue of The Fabricator, the magazine touches on this in their Tech Spotlight article “Making better connections: Qnect’s software optimizes connection design through data analytics”
If a project is a fast-flowing river, the best way to change how it flows is at the headwaters.
“What I find most interesting about Tim’s (Tim Heston, Editor of The Fabricator) interview with Henry, was how Tim picked up on the challenges that face everyone in the workflow when it comes to connections,” says Jef Sharp, co-founder and CEO of Qnect. “The speed and accuracy that Qnect brings to the table has opened the eyes of many GCs and EORs.”
Qnect’s early days were focused on detailers and fabricators but today, Qnect focuses on the entire project because of the profound impact that connections make on a project and Qnect’s contribution to making the project a success.
The article states:
“...early data analytics and the computing power behind it are so important. “No matter the building’s size, the software iterates connections for the entire structure,” (Henry) Lederman said. “It will try different bolt diameters. It will try single-angle connections, shear-plate connections, extended shear plate connections, double-angle welded connections, bolted double angles, and more. It will then output a report, with the cost and bolt quantities, so engineers and fabricators can do an analysis of what joint configuration makes the most sense for the entire project.”
Sharp continues, “We are working with GCs, EORs, and a few Owners who have experienced the value of Qnect on their projects and specifically with the benefit it brings them and not just a few subs.”
Full link to online article:
Full link to print article:
Notable quotes in the article:
“...everyone aiming to eke out the most profit while fulfilling the owner’s need to complete the building as quickly as possible.”
“If a project is a fast-flowing river, the best way to change how it flows is at the headwaters.”
"A lot of that data lies hidden forever, especially within a part of structural fabrication that literally ties everything together: the connections."
"It’s better to fix something in the design stage rather than being forced to “make it work” on the fab shop floor."
"The right connection strategy also can help reduce fabrication costs by allowing for single-station fabrication: that is, the fab shop needn’t tie up a bridge crane to move a beam to another station, like from the beam line to welding."
“With this early data, everyone can make a decision regarding the tradeoff between eliminating hundreds of copes versus using extended shear plates.”
It’s great to get an endorsement. Every business will tell you this. It’s even better to get an endorsement from a neutral, industry association....
[Scroll down for the webinar recording] Qnect hosted over 100 attendees for the Webinar introduction of vertical bracing. Vertical bracing completes...