1 min read
Engineering News Record (ENR): “…Qnect will be a game-changer”
A cloud-based digital engineer is hovering nearby, ready to calculate, design and optimize thousands of bolted and welded connections on 3D Tekla...
3 min read
Qnect Marketing : Jul 24, 2018 7:16:43 PM
The intersection of innovation and construction sometimes seems like an awkward marriage. However, during the first week of June, I attended Engineering News-Record’s ENR FutureTech conference in San Francisco and walked away with inspiration, hope and excitement for all the places where the industry is making that marriage work.
The conference could be summed up in three words: Energized Beyond Belief. Excitement abounds for the digitization of the construction industry, the largest industry in the U.S.
Software solutions,such as Qnect, take innovation of engineering solutions to a new level of detail, speed, quality and productivity. Those that implement these innovations today will have a competitive edge tomorrow. There truly is a first mover advantage for the topics that were presented and that people are buzzing about (and implementing!):
I’m finishing this post after several days in the New York City area. During this time, I met with several large GCs and had some project site visits. Seeing some of this innovation already in action certainly confirmed that the week at FutureTech was not just a lot of industry tire-kickers or the intellectually curious but rather professionals focused on building their companies and taking advantage of the latest technology. Every technical advantage adds to the strength and productivity of the most important resource on every project - people.
[div class="quotebox"][quote]With machine learning and machine decision making, (the construction industry) could get interesting.[/quote][byline style="text-align:left;"]–Mani Golparvar-Fard, Ph.D., COO and Co-founder, Reconstruct Inc.[/byline][/div]
As I toured sites, taking in the sites and sounds, I began to imagine what the experience will be in 2 years or 5 years and I certainly visualized, drones and sensors choreographed to capture every little detail and people with technology at their hip (and maybe on their hard hat).
If you’re reading this, you know a little (or a lot) about the construction industry in the US. If you’ve been in the industry for very long, you know how difficult it is to make changes to an already great work process. That being said, the advances of today will quickly amplify the results of those companies adopting them, making it hard for others to catch up. We hope you agree and you give Qnect a chance to bring proven, safe, quality, productivity savings to YOUR next project.
Jef Sharp is Qnect’s co-founder and CEO.. You’ll frequently see him on the conference circuit and at industry gatherings.
1 min read
A cloud-based digital engineer is hovering nearby, ready to calculate, design and optimize thousands of bolted and welded connections on 3D Tekla...
1 min read
I spent fifteen amazing years in New York during a very amazing time, 1985-2000. During that time, I didn’t think about steel all the time like I do...
Qnect has created a sophisticated, automated process to engineer and connect steel joints by merging the engineering function and the connection...