1 min read

NASCC 2018: Free workshops and a show special

Join Qnect’s connection experts at NASCC 2018 for two free, hour-long workshops offering tips and tricks on how to optimize the connection and detailing processes to work faster, lower costs and accelerate revisions.

NASCC 2018 Show Special

With our big news we are offering a big promotion to kickstart your next project with Qnect. From April 16th until June 15th, 2018 Qnect will offer a 20% discount off the cost of the first 500 tons on your first Qnect project.

NASCC 2018 Show Special Coupon

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How to Leverage ​Tekla + Qnect for ‘Esti-modeling’

Thursday 11:30a-12:30p | Session EW17 | Room 339

Hosts: Henry Lederman, CSO Qnect & Scott Love, Owner Integrous Steel Software Solutions

​It's all about early data. By leveraging your Tekla software with Qnect's connection modeling capabilities, you will estimate faster, with more accuracy and get ​ insight into optimization opportunities. Typical results include reduced costs, reduced work hours and increased profits. ​Come see how easy and quick it is to build a stick model, connect it, and ​analyze the data so you can create accurate bids using Tekla + Qnect.  Transfer data to your cost analysis software (FabTrol, FabSuite, STRUMIS) for accurate reporting.

Who should attend: Fabricators, Detailers, Engineers, Erectors

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Using Qnect for ​Value Engineering and ​​Project Optimization

Wed 2:30-3:00pm | Session PD2 | Stage 2

Host: Henry Lederman, CSO Qnect

​Leverage your Tekla investment​ with ​Qnect's fast, intelligent, cloud-based connection software. We will demonstrate the ease of connecting your Tekla model 9 times simultaneously using 9 different sets of parameters with Qnect’s buttons 1 and 2. We will demonstrate how to reduce 20% or more bolts on your projects by using QuickQnect's Bolt Optimization radio button​. We will show you how early data will identify the location of ​beams requiring​ reinforcement doublers and how our Doubler report will help you eliminate them.

Who should attend: Fabricators, Detailers, Engineers, Erectors

Tech Tuesday: ROI for the Engineer (CE & EOR)

Tech Tuesday: ROI for the Engineer (CE & EOR)

Are you a structural engineer - a Connection Engineer (CE) or an Engineer of Record (EOR)?Qnect's SaaS solution provides a solid Return on Investment...

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Exact Detailing & Qnect Announce Collaborative Agreement

2 min read

Exact Detailing & Qnect Announce Collaborative Agreement

We're excited to announce this agreement with Exact Detailing! The content in this blog is from the joint press release and contains details of...

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Webinar Review: Fix Schedule Drift

Webinar Review: Fix Schedule Drift

Many of Qnect's customers have shared with us just how much Qnect saves them from schedule drift. They said that the buffer gained by using Qnect has...

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