Qnect gets nod from steel trade press

Modern Steel ConstructionQnect got a mention in the May edition of Modern Steel Construction. The trade magazine covered NASCC: The Steel Conference, where Qnect unveiled its new software back in March:

While steelXML is geared toward expediting the ordering process, one company on the floor, Qnect, demonstrated the ability to expedite connections. The company's QuickQnect software determines the type of connections needed for selected joints in a Tekla 3D model, based on job and fabrication preferences. Within hours (or sometimes minutes, depending on the size of the building area) the cloud servers engineer and connect the joints in one integrated, automatic process.

"We have been working on the software for over five years, and the pre-commercial version was flawlessly used on multiple buildings including a building for Harvard University," said Jef Sharp, the company's CEO.

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