2 min read

Using Early Connected Models to Create a Precise Bills of Materials

In the fast-paced world of construction, efficiency and accuracy are key to success. Construction Managers are always on the lookout for innovative tools and methods to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and secure more competitive bids. One such game-changing approach is the use of Early Connected Steel Models, which involve modeling and connection engineering during the design phase. In this blog, we'll explore how these models not only cut down on bids but also enable Construction Managers to provide precise Bills of Materials (BoMs) for bidding purposes. This was a hot topic for many Construction Managers at CMAA last week.

Streamlining the Bidding Process

When it comes to bidding on construction projects, contractors often face tight competition. The ability to present an accurate and competitive bid is critical. Early Connected Steel Models play a crucial role in this process by providing a clear advantage:

  1. Reduced Rework Costs: Early connected steel models ensure that the modeling and connection engineering are completed upfront, while the structure is being designed. This means that changes and adjustments are made early in the design phase, reducing the likelihood of costly rework later in the construction process. As a result, fabricators can submit more competitive bids, knowing they are less likely to face unexpected expenses post bid.
  2. Improved Cost Estimation: The detailed nature of these models makes it easier to estimate the materials and labor required for the project accurately. Construction Managers can provide precise cost estimates, which, in turn, enable more competitive bids. There's less guesswork involved, leading to greater confidence in the accuracy of the bid.

Creating an EXACT Bill of Materials

While reducing bid costs is essential, the accuracy of the Bill of Materials is critical for Construction Managers. Early Connected Steel Models have a significant impact in this area as well:

  1. Quantification Precision: These models provide a comprehensive and detailed representation of every steel component. This enables Construction Managers to extract precise quantities for each material, eliminating the risk of over-ordering or under-ordering. As a result, the BoM is a true reflection of the project's requirements.
  2. Real-time Updates: Changes to the design are automatically reflected in the BoM thanks to the real-time data sharing capabilities of these models. Construction Managers can be confident that they are working with the most up-to-date information, further ensuring BoM accuracy.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Early Connected Steel Models also enable more accurate clash detection, helping to identify conflicts between steel components and other building systems. By addressing these conflicts upfront, Construction Managers ensure that the BoM accounts for all necessary materials, reducing the chances of costly surprises during construction.

In summary, Early Connected Steel Models are a powerful tool for Construction Managers looking to reduce bid costs and create precise Bills of Materials for bidding purposes. By conducting modeling and connection engineering upfront during the design phase, Construction Managers can minimize rework expenses, provide more accurate cost estimates, and ensure that the BoM is a true reflection of the project's requirements. This not only helps Construction Managers secure more competitive bids but also contributes to the successful and cost-effective execution of construction projects.

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