Qnect Blog

We are on Instagram!

Written by Pearl Burgoff | Jun 17, 2019 6:42:16 PM

Many of you are “on Instagram.” You told us to join you. You told us and we listened.

You told us to join you. You told us and we listened.

Why be on Instagram when we’re already on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter? We asked that same question. Since the AISC’s NASCC: The Steel Conference, more and more people have asked why we were not on Instagram. What we learned was that Instagram like the other social networks was and is a place for people to find information, to keep up-to-speed on what’s going on and to do so in a relaxing manner. This matters to some of you and since you’re there we want to be there too.

If you’re not on Instagram, no problem. We just ask that you follow us on the channel of your choice.

Why social media at all? We want to share information weekly but we don’t want to send emails; you get enough emails, right? So to keep emails to either 1:1 or to send you emails only a few times a quarter, we post to the social networks. Most all the time, we post the same information to all FOUR sites.

During the summer, we will post some #ICYMI posts to Instagram. These - In Case You Missed It - posts will include some of the more engaging posts from the past year that we want our followers to see. It’s kinda a celebration.

Do you want to share with our audience? Please do! On some channels you can post directly or if it’s easier, just send the picture(s) to use with a short description. If you want to include a URL, you are welcome to do that as well. We’ll be happy to share with our audience.

In addition, we’re interested to know what you want Qnect to post. Do you want Qnect information, industry information, a mix of the two?

Well, thanks for following us, keep the conversations going and remember: with Qnect “Steel Just Got Smarter” and you can too!