...will give you a good overview of a Qnect and Tekla Structures combination. Our partners at Trimble created this video to share with their customers.
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Share a current or recent project with us. We will run it through Qnect and compare our connection results to your planned connections. You'll experience first-hand the value of optimization.
Here’s what we like to have in preparation for the showcase:
1. The .db1 file of the Tekla model(s);
2. Architectural and Structural contract drawings so we can review the EOR and other specs;
3. Please fill out Fabricator Preference Table For Demo so we have a baseline idea of what your preferred connection types and bolt sizes would be.
If necessary, use this link to drop large files to us - https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/Qnect
We look forward to hearing from you!